Garden Green House - Gardeners looking to extend their growing season can utilize greenhouses as a way of growing produce year round, from vegetables and herbs to flowers and even trees. From small cold frames used at home or commercial greenhouses designed for specific crops - from smaller cold frames with glass panes that maximize light exposure while holding heat in or larger production facilities that protect specific varieties from the elements - greenhouses offer gardeners another tool in extending the growing season.
Buildings constructed of various sizes and styles range from wooden frames to freestanding structures in the landscape or attached to homes, some made with heavy glass while others employ synthetic materials that save on energy costs while also offering adequate insulation.
Backyard greenhouses that can be placed over vegetable gardens and flower beds are an ideal way for casual gardeners looking to start growing their own crops but lack space for an indoor structure. These compact structures are generally small and affordable; typically erected within 24 hours. Commonly secured to the ground via poles driven into it for stability purposes, they may also be placed on decks, garages or backyard sheds for optimal placement.
Small greenhouses, known as cold frames, are made out of wood or metal for durability and to match a home's exterior. They're meant to hold one bed of produce or a few seedlings but don't feature ventilation and heating systems like larger greenhouses do - meaning these structures must be placed somewhere sheltered from cold winds and winter precipitation to remain efficient.
Advanced greenhouses are often industrial-sized structures equipped with screening installations, heated floors, fans and air conditioning systems designed to optimize conditions for growing specific crops. Most commonly used commercially for tropical produce like bananas and pineapples; however, tomatoes, peppers, apricots and cucumbers can be grown successfully with proper care in these greenhouses as well.
Many greenhouses are decorated to add to their overall aesthetic appeal. Rustic signs, vintage antiques and old painted pots all help add charm to a greenhouse's aesthetic appeal. While some gardeners opt for minimalist decor inside their greenhouse, others like to fill it with colorful plants and flowers for an exciting atmosphere - some even use it as dining rooms where friends and family can share in the fruits of their labor while also enjoying classic wood-burning stoves that create even more welcoming spaces!

190-3 182x190x195cm Garden Single Hinged Door Walk-in Greenhouse